So I know this issue has been brought to light especially when Target announced its new policy for the use of the restrooms for transgendered people. But it will soon be one of the main topics in Texas. The law that Texas wants to create is the same as North Carolina. The law basically states that "no men are allowed in women's bathrooms."
There have been lots of talk and skepticism from "LGBT advocates,who say there is virtually no evidence to suggest that Texas — or any other state —has seen transgender people attacking others in bathrooms. Instead, the advocates say, efforts like those ramping up in Texas serve to further stigmatize transgender people and perpetuate violence against them."
Now I understand, at least part of the reason, behind why so many people are for this. It is because they believe that sex offenders will claim to be a transgender and then assault women and children when they have entered the bathroom. I completely understand when it comes to that I do, but to an extent why would you let your children roam free in a bathroom if the laws to allow transgendered into the bathrooms? If you are so concerned about what someone is doing in the bathroom don't use it and don't let your children go in the bathroom alone. However, I know that is not a great solution.
I believe that transgender people have been using our bathrooms for a very long time and because it is now being brought to light every thinks they have a right to lose their gosh damn minds. Lets just say that they do deny transgender people to use the restrooms they are most comfortable with, what then? If a sex offender wants to come and harass women or children in a bathroom they will find a way. Laws have never stopped them before so why would it stop them now? It won't. End of story.
There are other solutions that could possibly help, but it wouldn't make a difference when Texas is so conservative and so republican that anyone who agrees that transgender people should be able to use the restroom they choose or anything remotely similar they are already being judged and criticized for their opinion.