Thursday, February 25, 2016

Girl Power

In the Dallas Morning News, there was an editorial published about private, same-sex schools. The editorial was titled Dallas ISD should figure out how to expand on this girl-powered success story. The author is directing their argument to the Dallas independent school districts and more so the private schools. You can tell that this is the audience they decided to pursue because of the latest success story explained in their editorial. The author repeatedly talks about the independent school district and the all girl private schools success. The authors credibility comes from the statistics they state in the editorial. They get the statistics from the Irma Rangel Young Women's Leadership School which they present in the editorial. It states that they have a one hundred percent graduation rate and that over ninety percent of students graduate in six years. The author claims that something remarkable is going on and that the rest of the school district needs to follow.However, when the school first opened in 2004 they were struggling. But as of today, the school is bursting with five hundred teenagers with at least one hundred more on a wait list. With the young women attending these schools and the success it has had they have brought in roughly nine million dollars in scholarship money. They will be opening thirty-five "choice" schools and around eight to ten "brand-new transformational" schools. The author also believes that opening these schools will be the best way to move the needle on closing the achievement gap. I agree with what the Dallas Independent School District is trying to do because it can help result in a better rate of success and close the achievement gap that's throughout the district.

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